Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2nd, 2013


This week we had kelp noodles pop up on our Paleo Plan ingredients. When I saw kelp noodles on the list I must be honest in saying I did not know what it was or where to get it. The first thing that came to mind was...

Anyway, we found kelp noodles at the good food store in Rochester (err, at least that is what is was called). I think it is called the Food Co-Op now or something like that. Long story short, kelp spaghetti was great! Tastes like spaghetti to me. Best part of this story is that kelp noodles are only 6 calories per serving!!!!!!! REJOICE!!!!

Crossfit Credence twice per week, Paleo Plan eating, water consumption, swimming 3x per week, running, biking, ab workouts on the other days has helped me slim down from a size 38 waist to 34 size. I can finally start to see my abdominal muscles! I weighed this morning at 211 lbs, which puts me at 15.5 pounds lost since the end of February. The pants size is my favorite metric for sure. I am feeling stronger, but I still have so much work to do. I really struggle at pull-ups and push-ups. I have had some great progress, but need to keep the effort going. So far, the entire lifestyle has become normal to me. I must admit my body is sore quite a bit though.

The TriRochester Multisport Club's Season Kick-Off Party is at Rochester Cycle & Fitness Saturday Night at 6pm. This is a great way to get the year started with some socializing, giveaways, and great deals at the bike shop.

Wendy, Zach, and I are running the Fools Five Road Race again this Sunday. This is an 8K run in Lewiston, MN and has thousands of runners from all over the midwest. It is going to be a great time for sure. I love running with my family. Then on Sunday night...we are all going to the Bon Jovi Concert in St. Paul!!! This will be Zach's first concert. Funny thing is, Bon Jovi was my first concert too, but in 1983 when their first album came out. So, the circle of life has officially made it all the way around for us.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28th, 2013
Chalice and bread
Holy Week is here. Today is Maundy Thursday commemorating Jesus Christ's Last Supper and the initiation of the Holy Communion (the Eucharist). We watched an episode of The Bible last night as a family. I find myself talking to God quite a bit these days. I have much to be thankful for in my life. I pray that we all find peace this week and onward.

Another week of hard core training and Paleo eating has produced more good results for me. I am now down to 213 lbs. That is 13.5 lbs lost in just under 4 weeks. I am happy that I can now see what my abs looks like for the first time since I was in my 20s. The diet and exercise is producing the results I have, no doubt about that. I swim 2 to 3 times per week at the YMCA. I go to Crossfit twice per week. I hit the gym by my work 3 times per week as well. My goal is to get down to a size 32 waist (I am at 35 right now, as my 36 pants are loose). I figure my weight should be around 185 or so, that is a few months of hard work away. I am not really using the scale as my metric, as I am weight lifting and gaining muscle mass. I hope to look like the guy in the picture above someday soon.

Just 15 days until the Hammer Race. Zach and I have our hammers ready. Mine is an 8 lb sledge hammer and Zach's is a 2 lb sledge hammer. He wanted one like mine, but more his size. Running with a hammer is going to be a challenge. It is going to be fun running alongside my son. I will be running with my Team RWB shirt on to raise awareness for our returning Veterans. If you are interested in supporting a good cause, please visit my site by clicking on the Team RWB logo below:

Until next time, stop and give someone a hug and ask them how they are doing. Smile often, be nice, and help a stranger. Make a goal to introduce yourself to someone new. Right a thank you note by hand for someone at work, at home, or elsewhere, you don't know how much of an impact this simple gesture can do. Lastly, take time to be with your family, as these are all goals I have on my list to focus on.

God's Peace!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 18th, 2013


It has been a bit over a week since my last blog entry. Much has been going on over the time for my family and I. My job has kept me quite busy, as our schedule is full of orders to manufacture and that is quite good for business. Halcon is doing quite well and has been a great place to work. I spent some time working on our awesome Mesa conference table product.

I have been working out very consistently over the last 3 weeks or so. My workouts consist of Crossfit at Crossfit Credence twice per week, Swimming 3 times per week at the Y, biking on my Kinetic trainer at home, and running. Crossfit has been a challenge for me. I am working to improve my upper body strength, something I have had trouble with my entire life. I stink at pull-ups and push-ups for the most part. So, I work on this area pretty hard right now. I am using bands at Crossfit to help me get more reps out of my pull-ups:

The Paleo diet has been going well. Just finished my 2nd full week of following this diet. The food has mostly been pretty good, but I am starting to get tired of the almond taste of many of the recipes that I have made. Almond flour is a common ingredient in recipes. Yesterday we had a breakfast called "No Oat Oatmeal". Seriously! The stuff used almond flour as a key ingredient. The mixed berries were the only thing that allowed me to get through this meal. The stuff looked like something our cat would have have barfed up to be honest. I tried not to look at it. Tasted OK though.

The positives of this week were many. I have lost 11 lbs so far on this journey and I have noticed my pants are feeling looser. That is reason to be excited for sure. I have so much further to go though, so I chalk this week up as a small victory, but with the realization of so many more weeks to push on.

Photo: Zach just got another pin and qualified for Regionals next week in Byron. Special thanks to our coaches at Century for making Zach's first year of wrestling a great learning experience.
This weekend was a great weekend for my son Zach! Friday night we drove down to Austin High School for the NYWA District Qualifier Wrestling Tournament. Zach weighed in at 57 lbs. in the 4th Grade division. He wrestled great. He earned another pin and in photo he is holding up his NYWA Regional Qualifier paper. So, his 1st Wrestling season will be extended another week for us to travel to Byron for the Regional tournament.

I want to thank all of Zach's wrestling coaches from Rochester Century Panther Club for making Zach's first year of wrestling such a great learning experience. Coaches Scott, Kevin, Matt, Chad, and Brendan have helped Zach and his teammates improve so much this year.

This weekend I took my Webelos Den to Prairie Walls to do a class called Vertical Journeys. Dave Brandt, Owner of Prairie Walls, help me to plan a special climbing class for our boys to experience. The boys were taught Top Rope Climbing and Bouldering.  Little did I know that Zach would find his calling of sport for him. I can't believe how easily he took to this sport. We will be going back there quite a bit for sure. Anyway, I took them to climb to challenge them to face their fears and build their courage to overcome. They all did so awesome! I am such a proud Den Leader and Father!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6th, 2013

Well we have entered another month and boy has it been dumping snow on us! I am certainly getting some good use out of our big snowblower this season. Has made for some good skiing that is for sure.

I must be honest, I am ready for some warmer temps and a ride on my Harley. My iron horse is still sitting warm and protected at Rochester Harley Davidson in storage now. When I dropped it off in late October the owner over there said they have monthly visitations, if needed. I laughed about that, but now I am starting to have separation anxiety (just kidding). Soon I will be riding this baby to work in Stewartville to save gas money from my Ford F-150 that get about 13 mpg now. Ouch!

We have adopted the Paleo Plan for eating as a family. This plan mainly consists of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. So far it has been completely enjoyable and have found some creative recipes for foods we ate before. I will be blogging about this journey we are on. I am hoping the change will help me lose the weight I want and help to get more fit. Coupled with Crossfit 2-3 times per week and my triathlon training, I believe I will be hitting my goals as long as I stay on the plan for everything. As the song goes-One Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus, that's all I am asking from you. Which is by my cousin, Country Singer Cristy Lane.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, Feb 28th, 2013

I am feeling sore. Why? Well last night I had my 2nd Crossfit workout. I knew going into Crossfit that my body was going to be pushed to the limit. Boy was that an understatement. The funny thing is, I am loving it. Why? Well for me, at 45 years of age, I feel like it is getting harder and harder to maintain my weight and to stay in shape. I must admit that I slacked off a bit during Nov and Dec and paid the price on the scale. I needed to do something different, something to shock my system. Crossfit I have known for some time to be a solution.

Here is what my workout looked like yesterday, I challenge you to try this and be rolling on the floor like a dying cockroach:

3 rounds
10 wallball shots (14 lbs)
10 pull-ups
10 muscle snatches


1) Press 1Rep Max  (I got up to 95lbs Max-I am pretty weak on these. Explains why I struggle so much with handstand pushups)

 2) Back squat 1RM (I got up to a 275lbs Max, which I was pretty happy to get to considering I have not done a squat in maybe 10 years)

WOD (Workout of the Day)
For time:
15-12-9-6-3 reps of
Power snatch

The workout of the day was one of the toughest experiences in working out I have ever been through. Initially I started out with 95lbs for my Power Snatches, but after the first 15 reps of this I was in trouble. So, I dropped down to 75lbs to be able to get through all of the reps. Not sure that made it any easier though, because coupled with the reps of burpees I was fully exausted. I am sure I was in Zone 4 or 5 with my heartrate, but I was not measuring it. Nothing has made me feel more out of shape than this workout. I have much respect for Crossfit Athletes!

Finish off the workout with what they call a Cashout:

12 band pull aparts
25 sit-ups

All in all, the workout was tough. I am super excited by the journey I am on though. I want to be in better shape overall. Not just for triathlons and running, but just for life. I want to feel good in my clothes and how I look in the mirror. One step at a time, one burpee at a time, one day at a time, results will come slowly.

Join the journey with me folks! It is fun!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb. 25th, 2013- Well another week has flown by. Monday is moving along kind of slowly, but I got back to work after a nice weekend. The snow came on Friday and dumped a good 8 inches on us. Wendy, Zach, and I got up on Saturday and hit Chesterwoods Park to do a nice 3+ miles of Cross Country Skiing. The weather was perfect! Totally loved skiing together. Zach really made Wendy and I work, he is getting fast on those skis. Here they are smiling. Sorry about the dark spot on the picture, my phone case got in the way.

After we got done skiing, I went over to the Bike Show at Mayo Civic Center. As an avid Harley Davidson rider myself, I couldn't help but want to go check out the cool bikes on display. I only took pictures of one bike in the show. Turns out it later it won the award for the Best Bike of the show. This is a classic 1971 Triumph that was absolutely stunning! I met the builders who are really just a husband and wife farming couple from Stewart, MN. They were so humble and nice. They sure created a beautiful machine.

Spent Sunday discussing what we wanted to do for 2013 for training and such. Since Wendy and I are not doing an Ironman triathlon this year, we thought about starting back at Crossfit Credence. Need a different kind of training to get in shape for 2013. We love crossfit, but we stopped going a month before Ironman last year. So, I think we are going to start going to Crossfit again.

I am thinking about signing up for an October marathon this year. I am either going to register for my 3rd Twin Cities Marathon or I will register for the Chicago Marathon. They both are great races.

Anyway, I will let you all know how the first week of Crossfit training goes for us. Hopefully, I will have made a decision around the marathons.

I stumbled across this article that you all might find interesting:

The Truth

Jan 27, 2012  -  by Jon Gilson  

Everyone has their caveats. This is the warning reasonably intelligent people deliver after every definitive statement in an attempt to cover their ass.

"Yeah, fasted cardio is the only way to get your body fat below 8%. But, you know, that's only true for most guys. It might not work for you."

The caveat absolves the speaker of any responsibility for the effectiveness of their advice, shifting the blame for failure to the listener. In the world of athletic training these cop-out statements are often necessary--there's not a whole lot out there that's strictly black and white.

Nonetheless, I was lying in bed last night wondering if there are certain unalienable truths out there, statements about training that require absolutely no caveat. In my mind, every pursuit has an essence that lends itself to description and explanation. Fitness is no exception. Here, I humbly present the truths of training, caveat-free:

1.) You will not get stronger without overload.

This one is simple. Training has two guiding principles--volume and intensity. The first refers to the number of repetitions performed, while the second refers to the relative demand those repetitions place on the body. Over time, you must expose your body to gradually increasing volume in order to reap fitness benefits. You must keep intensity high throughout. 

I like to track this in my workout log by recording the total amount of weight lifted in any session divided by the number of repetitions performed in that session. This calculation gives an average weight per repetition. This number must increase over time, or you're just spinning your wheels.

2.) You will not get bigger without eating more or smaller without increasing energy expenditure.

My buddy Eva Claire loves this one. All the girls want to get smaller and all the boys want to get bigger. Most women try to get smaller by eating less when they would be better served by increasing their energy expenditure. Most men try to get bigger by increasing their energy expenditure, although they'd be better served by eating more. 

Each gender should take a page out of the other's playbook. 

Eating less only serves to lower your metabolic rate, meaning your body will attempt to conserve every precious calorie for future use. What goes in stays in, stored as fat. Rather than lower their metabolic rate, women would be better served by lifting heavy to maintain lean muscle mass and exercising with high intensity to ramp up fat-burning.

In the same vein, lifting heavy and often will only increase lean muscle mass if the attendant caloric intake will support the new tissue. The boys need to take in more food, not lift more. Nonetheless, they'll spend three hours a day in the gym, burning off those stray calories that would've turned into new tissue if energy expenditure had been a little lower.

3.) Steady-state cardiovascular work will not lead to fitness.

The body uses three distinct energy pathways, each employed based on the demands placed on the body. Two of these systems (the alactic acid system and the glycolytic system) are called into play when the rate of muscle contraction exceeds the body's ability to produce contractions using oxygen.

These two systems, collectively known as the anaerobic systems, are not trained during steady-state cardiovascular work. Steady-state work utilizes the aerobic energy system, which is only capable of producing muscle contractions in the presence of oxygen.

Unfortunately, the anaerobic systems are critical for high to moderate power output activities, such as the squat, the clean and jerk, and the 400-meter sprint. If they aren't properly developed, the corresponding activities suffer. 

Road jocks aren't worth a damn when it comes to performing anaerobic activities, because they haven't developed the contractile strength that comes with heavy anaerobic training. Primary practitioners of steady-state cardiovascular work are incomplete athletes.

4.) Mental focus is more critical to training success than physical ability.

We are limited by our bodies, but our true limitations exist in the mind. Flat-out lying to an athlete about weight on the bar will often get them to lift a personal best, absence any organic change in the body. I attribute this phenomenon to the power of belief. "Knowing" that you can do something will instantly bring you closer to doing it. Combine an ardent belief with months of training, and you have a recipe for excellence.

On the flip side, God-given ability is easily negated by a poor outlook. I've seen otherwise-talented sandbaggers spend a lot of time claiming inability, giving them a ready-made hedge against failure. These folks fail a lot, and they remain in the realm of the novice athlete for years. 

5.) There is an inverse relationship between the complexity of a piece of exercise equipment and its effectiveness.

The most effective implements for building lean muscle tissue and shedding fat are heavy, blunt, and simple. They have few or no moving parts, and they don't plug into the wall. A barbell, some weights, a few dumbbells, and a pull-up bar are all you need to achieve world-class fitness. Everything else just adds variety.

By their nature, these things require effort to use. You've got to pick them up off the ground and hoist them around. They don't give you a place to sit, and they don't read your heart rate every ten seconds. 

If your exercise regimen involves blinking lights, vibrating seats, or imbedded televisions, you're doing yourself a disservice. Find the stuff that's cold and heavy and made of metal. It's the only route to fitness.

There they are--five unalienable truths about training. You could disagree with my assertions, and probably make a good case of it, citing fifteen scientific studies and the extensive knowledge of the over-certified polo shirt-wearing pseudo-trainer down at the local Y.

The problem is you'd have to use an awful lot of caveats.

Jon Gilson is the founder of Again Faster. Photography of Stacey Kroon courtesy of Patrick Cummings

Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15th, 2013- Well another week has flown by. Just spent the 15th Valentine's Day with my best friend, Wendy-my wife. Also, on Valentine's Day we heard from our son Shawn, 21, college student at the University of St. Thomas. He is an Air Force ROTC Cadet and a Mechanical Engineering student. Success just keeps on coming to our boys. Shawn just was informed that he has earned a flight slot in the Air Force. I can hear Kenny Loggins in my head now, "Highway to the danger zone...!" Tom Cruise better look out, because here come our high achieving son, Shawn. I joked with him yesterday about what his call-sign might be. Anyway, we are super happy for him and equally proud of the type of man he is becoming.

We are headed out of town for another one of Zach's wrestling tournaments this weekend. Zach has been very busy working hard at becoming a great wrestler. He joined Innerdrive Wrestling this week and now is wrestling 4 nights a week in practice and tournaments on the weekend. This schedule will continue until State Championships in April. Another thing that happened this week for Zach was youth lacrosse registration. Zach is following in his big brother's footsteps in the Rochester Area Lacrosse. We picked him some new pads, gloves, elbow guards, and a helmet. He is using Shawn's lacrosse stick. Zach is doing great and is just like his big brothers in so many ways. We are super proud of him.

I had a tough week with my workouts, or lack there of. I have been going to the gym across the street from my job, but this week I just was very busy and did not get there until Thursday. So I went 4 days with a workout and I paid the price. I was 221 lbs on Friday last week. I weighed on Wednesday night and found a gain to 226.5. :( Not good! I did get a workout in yesterday though, mostly after the humiliating episode on my scale Wednesday. Then this morning I rode my bike before work. I also started a new Chia Seed/Greek Yoghurt/Fruit smoothie diet plan yesterday. The smoothies are really good and seem to control my hunger. I weighed this morning and I am now back to 222.7. So, heading back in the right direction. My goal is to get down to 195lbs by June 9th for Trinona triathlon in Winona, MN. So, roughly 28 lbs or so to go, which will be no small task. Consistency of workouts in a busy professional's life with a kid in sports is TOUGH!

So, anyway, everyone have a great weekend. I hope by next blog post I will be down in the 210's range. :)